Monday, December 14, 2009

Answers to Your Team Building Problems

Lately I have heard from more people who are frustrated with the state of their teams. Problems range from not making progress and lack of openness and honesty to team members yelling at each other in meetings and in public. Who would want to be a part of a team that makes life so miserable? Many of the these teams are boards comprised of volunteers, who all have very good intentions but all have their own agendas. Since we have spent a good amount of time listening and offering suggestions, we decided to provide a free service... "The Team Building Doctor." We will talk to you about the state of your team and possible solutions, based on nearly 20 years of experience in the field. There is no obligation to buy anything or even act on the advice, but sometimes it is just good to have someone to bounce ideas off of or vent frustrations. Strictly confidential. Additionally, in this weekly blog, we will present "case studies."
What is the state of your team???

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